Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A quick update

Hi gals!

The computer is still down (boo!) and I'm still posting from work but I just wanted to make sure you all saw the December Fairy Sweet preview over at the ATS blog... just leave a post on it this week for a chance to win both Mistletoe Snowhill and Holly Starshine! Pretty sweet huh? ;)



  1. Thanks for the info! Going to check it out now. Sorry about your computer, Amy! :( Hope you will get it back up soon!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Pooh! Sorry you are still computer-less at home! Thanks for the heads up on the ATS preview! Take care!

  3. Hope you can get it up soon girly!!! thanks for the info on ATS and another big CONGRATS on your new releases! yipppeee! hugs, kris

  4. WOW, thanks for the info!
    And hope your computer is soon back and running! :)

  5. Hi Amy, I hope you are up and running soon. I did notice that your newest are going into the sale. I have a little stash for Friday online shopping...lol.What can I say, when you are an addict you just have to have it..lol...Happy Turkey day. Lisa g
