Monday, November 30, 2020

Don't get your tinsel in a tangle...

Good morning

It's time for a new Christmas digi release at Sweet November Stamps and the magic of the holiday season has brought to life six new Tree Trimming Fairies. There are a total of five new images as well as five new coordinating digi sentiments that go perfectly with these industrious little holiday decorators as well as many other Christmas digis in the Sweet November catalog.

My card today features the slightly perturbed Tizzy Fizz fairy who always seems to get stuck with the job of untangling all of the tree tinsel. While her sisters get to fly freely, zipping from one branch to another with bulbs and ornaments Tizzy Fizz is constantly finding herself tangled up in yards of sparkling tinsel. And though she may give in to the occasional fit of frustration she knows that her contribution to the tree is an important one. The tree just wouldn't sparkle and shine as it should without her perfectly placed strands of tinsel catching and reflecting the glow from the strands of lights wound throughout its branches.   

The Sweet November monthly newsletter also went out last night, full of information about what released this month as well as what we have to look forward to in December. As always an exclusive new digi also released with the newsletter. The Come let us adore Him Christmas angel is available for purchase in the store but newsletter subscribers can grab her for free! This sweet little heavenly angel is quite taken with the blessed babe in the manger as she looks upon him, full of love and adoration. If your not a subscriber yet and your bummed about missing out on this month's freebie no worries, simply go to the bottom of the Sweet November Stamps home page and sign up now. :)

Now be sure to go check out the Friends of Sweet November Stamps group on Facebook for even more Tree Trimming Fairy inspiration from Tee and our amazingly talented guest designer... Caitlin Anthony! I will be going Live on my Adventures in Coloring with Amy Facebook page sometime today as well but the time is up in the air because I've got a sick kitty and a call into the vet's office. But once that is taken care of I will be on and coloring. :) 

You can also find us on Instagram @sweetnovemberstamps and don't forget to use the #sweetnovemberstamps any time you share a card or project using SN images so we can see all of your beautiful makes!