Saturday, June 11, 2022



Hi there!

The ever popular Flutterbees have some new tropical themed friends joining them at Sweet November Stamps today. The Tropical Flutterbee digi collection includes four darling girls all decked out in their grass skirts and leis as well as a little boy playing the ukulele. They are; Anani, Kiely, Ele, Ulani and Kanoa and their sweet dispositions attract all of the beautiful island butterflies to them. :)

My first card pairs pretty little Ulani with one of the floral corners from the Mermaid Lagoon builder set. I also added some extra butterflies that come with the original Flutterbees Pepe and Bindi to really fill the scene with lots of color. Ulani has found a scenic spot to practice her dancing while the waves behind her keep the rhythm. 

Next, I colored up Ele who is down on the beach as the sun sets in a riot of tropical colors. She got paired with another one of the floral corners in the Mermaid Lagoon Builder set and some extra butterflies from Pepe and Yara. This card is this week's speed coloring video that you can watch over on our Sweet November Stamps YouTube channel if you're interested. :)  

Now be sure to check out the Friends of Sweet November Stamps group on Facebook for even more Tropical Flutterbee fun from Caitlin, Faye and Amanda. We've also got two talented guest designers joining us this week; Wendy Nicola Jackson and Julia Grubel. Don't forget, I will be coloring Live today at 11am PST over on my Adventures in Coloring with Amy Facebook page and I hope to see ya there!

You can also find us on Instagram @sweetnovemberstamps and don't forget to use the #sweetnovemberstamps any time you share a card or project using SN images so we can see all of your beautiful makes!

1 comment:

  1. Mahalo means Thank you in Hawain. I have a stamp like that but not from Sweet November but from Lawnfawn. As a special thanks for an order I placed two years ago.
