Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Shiny Brite release at Sweet November...


Hello again!

Sweet November Stamps has one final digital release of 2021 before we take the next couple weeks off to celebrate the holidays and we are ending the year with some sparkle and shine! The new Shiny Brite digital collection features three retro lady ornaments and each one also comes with her own Shiny Brite glass bulb. There is Luminous Lucille, Merry Margaret and Dazzling Doris and not only do you get the ornament version when purchased, you also get a version without the hanger so you can color them into regular scenes as well. :)

My first card features Luminous Lucille in her long gown and bonnet and I've paired her and her ornament with some of the branches from the Pine Tree and Pine Branches scene builder set as well as the ornament hook from Folk Art Santa 1.I colored her in a very traditional red and white color scheme, making sure to leave some white streaks here and there for extra high shine contrast.

My second card finds Merry Margaret dangling among the pine branches right next to her Shiny Brite. I colored her in a frosty teal gown, complete with those high shine white highlights and used matching pretty pastels on her ornament. The holly embroidery pattern on her hem was done using a silver gel pen.

And finally there is Dazzling Doris looking stylish in her sleek pencil skirt, puffy coat and pillbox hat. She is hanging quite proudly on those branches, just waiting for Santa to come and admire how beautifully she sparkles and shines. :)

Now be sure to check out the Friends of Sweet November Stamps group on Facebook for even more Shiny Brite loveliness from Caitlin and our fabulous guest designer Cline Passio! I will also be coloring Live today at 11am PST on my Adventures in Coloring with Amy Facebook page so I hope to see you there.  :)

You can also find us on Instagram @sweetnovemberstamps and don't forget to use the #sweetnovemberstamps any time you share a card or project using SN images so we can see all of your beautiful makes!



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