Today is a special day here at the ol' A thousand sheets of paper blog. No, it's not quite the one year anniversary, as that was on July 16th. Instead I thought it would be fun to combine that celebration with another crazy milestone that I've been keeping track of and finally hit this past week... you see, since I started making cards and posting them here I've been keeping track of the number of different sheets of pattern paper that I cut into for my cards just to see how long it would take to get to 1000. I'm excited to say that it only took a couple weeks over my year anniversary to get there! I told you this was crazy! LOL!
Crazy or not though, I'm in the mood to celebrate (and clear out some paper) so I've got A THOUSAND 6x6 sheets of paper that I'm giving away! Wanna see what 1000 sheets of paper looks like? Take a look-see...

That's a lot of paper, huh? Perhaps just a bit crazy to send all to one person, so I'm breaking it apart into five candies of 200 sheets each. And the fun doesn't stop there! I couldn't celebrate a wonderful, exciting, surprising and simply amazing year of stamping and blogging without throwing some stamps into the mix as well! So I have collected stamps from all of my most favorite companies into one MEGA CANDY! Wanna know who all is included? There is:
- Sweet November Coral Reefweaver, Chanter Heartsong, Coriander Fairy and Darby & Penelope
- CC Designs Lil Emma Bug, Cherry Emma and Halloween Hansel
- The Greeting Farm Miss Anya Dressy set, Fairy Chloe and Fairy Eva
- Tickled Pink Lil Lolita Ivy and 60's Mod Ivy
- Simply Betty Stamps Lola and Miller
- Stamping Bella Maisy Ketto
- Christy Croll Appley bowl Huggabug (since I couldn't include one of her fab Tiddly inks digis)
- My Favorite Things Pure Innocence Fairy Girl
- Sugar Nellie Gorjuss Girl "Just a girl"
- Kraftin' Kimmie Drucilla and lots of little extras
- Lili of the Valley Tiptoe fairy
Wondering what you need to do for a chance to win all of these plus some yummy paper? Well, because this is pretty big and I'm pretty excited about it, I really want to spread the word sooooo... in order to be eligible to win the grand prize you have to post about the 1000 sheets blog candy on your own blog (feel free to right click and use the paper photo above or even the stamp photo below), linking directly back to this post. Once you've done that, just leave a comment here and you will be entered... easy peasy! Like always, I will ship anywhere so all are welcome to play! :)
I will leave this candy open through Friday, September 3rd then random generator will pick a winner and I will announce on Saturday, September 4th.

Don't have a blog? Not to worry, there is still a chance to win a little somethin' somethin', check it out...
one random commenter (blog or not) will win 200 6x6 sheets of paper and Sweet November Sparkle Thistleweed.

One random commenter (blog or not) will win 200 6x6 sheets of paper and Sweet November Pearl Tidepool & Seamoor.

One random commenter (blog or not) will win 200 6x6 sheets of paper and Sweet November Darby & Chenille.

And finally one random commenter (blog or not) will win 200 sheets of paper and Sweet November Ginger Fairy.
That's it, that's all I got except for a big... THANK YOU all soooooo much for joining me on this wild ride and making this past year of blogging so much fun! You all delight and inspire me each and every day and I LOVE being a part of that creative exchange! Big hugs and smooches to you all and good luck! :)

That's it, that's all I got except for a big... THANK YOU all soooooo much for joining me on this wild ride and making this past year of blogging so much fun! You all delight and inspire me each and every day and I LOVE being a part of that creative exchange! Big hugs and smooches to you all and good luck! :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1586 Newer› Newest»Wow! Amazing!!! I can't believe you went through 1000 sheets of paper! Well you're work is just as amazing and thanks so much for giving us an opportunity to win some of the goodies!!! Belated happy anniversary and congrats on making it to 1000 sheets of paper!
What an amazing giveaway, Amy! A thousand sheets of paper looks so cool! Just want to tell you what an inspiration YOU are to me...every day!
wow woman that is one big candy and yes I think it is a little crazy. Will get on to the post as soon as I can.
WOOOOW, what a candy! Papers and stamps are amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!
Magda x
I love paper so you can imagine my mouth is salivating right now.
Thank you Amy for the chance to win this great prize. I have added your candy to my side bar and announced it on my blog.
you are always so generous Amy!! Your work is always so inspiring... crazy that you counted, but now we are all wishing we did the same thing... so cool!!! Wishing you continued success and here's to another 1000 sheets of paper! Robin
What an amazing giveaway, Amy! Wow that's a lot of papers that you actually counted. Thanks so much for the inspiration and a chance to win.
WOW, amy...this is fabulous! i added an "advertisement" for your candy at the top of my sidebar on my that ok? just let me know!
Congratulations Amy!!!! Thanks for the chance to win some of your amazing candy, I've added a link on my sidebar :)
This is really a Queen's giveaway!! Thank you!!! I linked it on sidebar
Hugs. Larisa. xxx
Great giveaway! Amazing. Thanks for the chance to win. I 've linked you on my sidebar.
Amy, congratulations!!!!!!!!!
Amazing candy!!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.)))
hi from Russia
Wow! What a fun idea! I love it. I've posted your candy on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.
wow! 1000 pieces looks like so muc paper!
Вот это да!!!! ))
WOW!!! super candy!
link in the side bar
oh wow what gorgeous papers - i couldnt imagine trying to remember how many papers I use i would love a chance to win these though my stores are running seriously low at the moment :( have posted this to my blog and congratulations to you xx
Oh my goodness! Congrats on your blogaversary and using 1000 sheets of paper! Awesome candy- thanks for the chance to win.
Wow, thanks for including us that do not have "blogs". 1,000 sheets is a lot of paper, amazing to see the picture of it. Good luck everyone and thanks again for giving all of us a chance to win!
Oh my Gosh! Still can't believe that you counted and keep track on how many sheet you have use. Congrats on your blogaversary!
Fantastic candy!!! Congrats on your blogaversary!!! Thanks for the chance to win amazing candy!!!Posted about in my blog.
Can't believe you finally made it, I've been wondering! :0)
You don't have to add me to the contest since I've been lucky enough to have some wonderful paper packages already, but I added you to my blog and GOOD LUCK to everyone!
WOW! Thanks for offering these wonderful prizes. I don't have a lot of designer paper, I tend to use just colored papers, but this would be great. Congrats on the blogaversary. Oh, and it's on my blog sidebar already!
Wow Amy!! Congrats on your blogaversary!! So many nice candy's; thank you for the chance to win! It will take me a long time when I get 1000 papers.
Hugs Marjon
Hi Amy! How sweet on that 1000 sheet accomplishment. All in a day's work huh? :) Happy Blogaversary. I'm sure u will hit another 1000 sheets soon. Thanks for the opportunity to win some really awesome candy. Have a super weekend!! Hugs!!
Wow wow wow what amazing candy, and 1,0000 sheets of paper would have been a mean feat wow!
Sue x
Hi Amy, wow what a candy dear!
So kind of you.
I love the Sweet November Darby & Chenille, they are so cute.
I wish you all the best.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Holy Cow!!! That's insane but wayyy too much fun!!! I Love fun papers and all of your stamps you you use and create so this is just AWESOME!! :)
Wow! 1000 sheets?? How cool that you kept track, Amy! And feel free to include us whenever you celebrate a milestone...tee hee!!!! :).
Your blog candies are amazing!! I'll post it up when I get Internet connection at home again!! Congratulations!!!
Wow Amy! That's AWESOME! How fun!
That pile of paper looks AMAZING! LOVE it! LOL! Just did a little post to tell ppl about your paper + candy!
Wowww! thats a whole lot of paper and a whole lot of candy hihi! really awesome and thank you so much for the chance to win!! Big hugs for you! Marley
WOW!!! This candy is so awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow-thanks for being so generous!
first of al congrats
second, thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy
i've linked you on my sidebar hun
hugs angelique
Oh wow, that is an amazing lot! You are one generous lady!
Greetings from Norway :)
xx, Nunt
holy moly! that is definitely the MOTHERLOAD of blog candies and i am NOT passing it up! not to mention that i like your blog and have become a follower! sooooooo, thank you AND nice to meet you.
i definitely blabbed about this on my blog!
have a great day!
hugs :)
What an amazing giveaway, Amy! Fantastic candy! Congrats on your blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win amazing candy! Posted about in my blog.
Wow Amy, that stack of paper is absolutely delicious, and the stamps are just lovely! I've just blogged about it, and I've added it to the sidebar as well. Thank you so much for the chance to win some of this wonderful goodness! How wonderfully Yummy! Have a great weekend. :)
What an amazing giveaway! You are so generous! I am going to post this on my blog today!!!
Hello! what an incredible prize! thanks for the opportunity to participate! congratulations on your anniversary and so many fans!
I took the link to my blog!
Thank you very much!
OMG what an amazing milestone!! This is fabulous that you kept track. I ALWAYS love the dp you use!! And would sooo love to win this!!!
here is my post I did.
Its also on facebook too :P
Hugs Kristy
Congrats again and heres to another 1000 sheets of paper!
wowa! that is incredible! i so wanna win this giveaway! ill link your candy up on my side bar
HOLY MOLY!!! what a candy!!!! I have linked you up on my blog! Sept 4th is my birthday! what a great b-day gift this would be! lol
non resisto... :-D è un candy spettacolare e anche se ho poche probabilità che la fortuna mi baci due volte, io ci provo lo stesso.... Grazie per essere così generosa con noi ...
public su
I love paper...!!!!!!!
Congrats on your blogaversary!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! Posted about in my blog.
Wow Amy!! I don't envy you having to post all this lol!
The paper looks beautiful.
I'm going to make a blog post now, so will post this too.
Happy late Blog anniversary!
Cheryl x
p.s, I thought you were just a little obsessed with paper, but counting every one you use shows I was VERY wrong LOL.
I am definetly in this giveaway! I´ve linked to my blog.
Thats an awesome effort!!! I dont have a blog, but what a massive amount of candy. Just wondering how many times you lost count????
Just getting to know about scrapbooking and saw a link to this page. I'm in! Lots of beautiful papers and stamps!
Now that is a PRIZE!!!! Amazing!!!
It would be a real treat to win any of those so here's hoping :)
Happy anniversary Amy!!! :D
Holy cow, A THOUSAND sheets?! How did you do that?? :DDDD
Thanks for this precious opportunity! ^___^
There's an image linking to this post on my left sidebar: spreading the woooord! :D
Hugs, Anna
nocidicoccole (at) gmail (dot) com
OMG a 1000 sheets that is amazing,couldn't imagine counting it all.
will add to my sidebar now and mention in a post later when i update.
well done hun keep up the fantastic work and thanx for giving us all a chance to enter for the scrummy papers and stamps .
hugs Troy xxxx
Wow! Thank you for the chance to win this amazing candy! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Here is my post!
Hi Amy
What a surprising land mark to keep track of - I love th eidea of 1000 sheets of paper as a prize and the stamps too. You are too generous hun. I have done a post here to let all my followers know.
All the best for the year to come.
Hugs Ali x
WOW! I can't believe someone else has a paper addiction! This is an AMAZING giveaway! But more importantly, I'm sooo glad I found your blog! You do such INCREDIBLE work! WOW! I don't have a blog yet, but I did become a follower! I don't want to miss your next creation!
freida38801 at yahoo dot com
This is real humor! I have no clue how you managed to keep track of the amount of papers you used, but I'm loving it!
I'm just a beginner in all this, but I've already used so much paper, that I can definately use some of the sheets you're giving away. I also love the stamps!
Well, keep up the good work, 'cause I really love your cards!
I posted about this great idea on my blog: Please visit and give me some feedback.
1000 sheets that is amazing. never so much I did not see.Thanks for the chance to win some of your amazing candy, I've added a link on my sidebar :) Greetings from Polish
Wow what amazing candy. Thanks for the cance to win
Wow..... awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
Wowzas, Amy! That is totally rockin' cool candy. And that thousand sheets of paper looks soo cool! Congrats on hitting your thousand paper mark!
omgosh, this is awesome! i'd LOVE to win some of your paper stash!!! I'll be posting about your fabulous candy for sure!!! Wow, all those stamps - so many of my favs that I haven't been able to get yet!!! Wowee, you rock!
Oh my gosh Amy this is incredible!!! Thank you so much for all the inspiration you have given me with those 1000 sheets :D
Here is my post and I have put it in my side bar :D
Huge hugs
Amy xx
WOW, you are amazing Amy!! What an incredible bunch of candy! Thanks so much for the chances to win!!!
what an awesome Blog Candy. i don't think I have seen(in all my blog hopping journeys) such a generous candy!!! You are truly talented and oh so generous!! If i had a blog I would most definitely let people know about your wonderful blog, Not just for your candy but for inspiration!!
Congratulation ...what a great candy....thank you for the chance to win...I linked you on my sidebar...;)
Congrats to you, Amy!!!
That's it's own lil hobby itself! How clever to keep track of your papers! Love the stack pic! Pretty colors :)
So sweet of you to share! Thank you for your daily inspirations :*)
hugs, margie
Wow, Amy! All that paper looks so amazing. Your cards have always been stellar. Thanks so much for the inspiration and a chance to win such generous candy. Also, thank you for all your creativity that you share with all of us.
I also became a follower and added your candy to my blog. Thanks again for the chance to win some awesome candy.
wow Amy this is awesome I am loving what i see here its a truely amazing prize or should I say prizes thankyou very much for the chance of winning I have put your candy on a post on my blog
Here xx
Hi Amy!!Awesome giveaway!I have posted about your candy on my blog
Thanks for a chance to win!!!
wow what amazing candy, paper is my weakness too, this is just so generous.
Chris x
grazie a te per l'opportunita splendida...metto tutto sul blog...baci dall'italia
WOW! That is a lot of paper! Way to go on your milestone! I blogged about your candy here:
Hi, you have a wonderful blog. And what a amazing blog candy! Would be nice to win.
I've linked this blog candy to my blog at the sidebar.
Hugs Susanne
My goodness I think you have the biggest blog candy ever! How the heck did you keep track of all that paper?!? I'll have to check out your blog and see what you used it on! Thanks for entering me in your contest, I so appreciate it. I've blogged about you too!
Hugs - Jen
a thousand sheet of paper such an ubber goodness...your are so inspiring...TFS....aloha liann
super giveaway!
Amy, congratulations!!!!!!!!!
Amazing candy!!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.)))
Wow..I'm licking my chops at all that paper..LOL. What an awesome giveaway! I'm going to post this on my blog :)..thanks for a chance to win!
Wow! I love that you took the time to do the counting. That is something I would I am putting this on my side bar.
Emily C
The Wonderful Insanity Called Life
Wow, that's great. I never would have thought to keep track. I have posted it on my blog and in my sidebar. Thanks for a chance.
wow amazing candy, thanks for the chance to win!!!
wow amazing candy, thanks for the chance to win!!!
Oh wow!
1000 sheets of paper! Thank you for the chance to win such a lovley prize.
WOW how generous of you hunny to offer all of this. I have added a link on my side bar and thanks for the chance. luv gina xx
Omgoodness, Amy!! What incredible candy and CONGRATS on your blogaversary!! Your creations inspire me EVERY day!! HUGS
Holly candy - that's a lot! I'm so glad you're breaking it up into multiple wins - so much better than one huge winner takes all! JMHO :-) Congratulations on getting to 1000 sheets - that's so funny that you kept track of that from the very beginning. It's a perfect milestone for your blog. Cheers!
Thanks for the chance to win some generous candy. I blogged about your giveaway here.
Hi! I've added you on my sidebar here:
Thank you for this BIIIIIIG prize!!
oh wow ! it's fantactic, so exciting !
Thanks for the chance to win !
oh my goodness, that pile of delicious papers really puts it into perspective just how much we use!!
Thanks for the chance to win some of your gorgeous candy, you'll fine my link back here
Anne x
ya me anoté
Wow, such an amazing giveaway! I've put a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Congratulations, Amy, on your blogaversary. So appropriate to give away 1,000 sheets.
OMG Amy!! You must be out of your mind! But I'm not prejudiced, I'll gladly blog your candy:D Thanks for the chance to win. Checheck the post here XXX
Love that you are giving 1000 sheets of paper! I've posted this FAB giveaway on my blog (
Wow! Great candy!! i've post about it on my blog and i've become a follower ;)
Greetings, JUdith
Felicitaciones.. me anoto al candy!!
Amazing give away.I announced it on my blog.
wow, thanks for the chance to win! i hope I win something! :D
wow what a challenge and what a neat concept thanks for being so generous with your candy.
OMGoodness!!! so much paper and stamps... eeeeeeeeeek!!! i promised i wouldn't buy anymore paper til i used what i have in stock, but if i win it, it doesn't count right?? hehee
thnaks for the chance to win! i'm so excited =)
I don't have a blog but I'm thankful for the chance to win some gorgeous paper. Love your blog! Thanks again.
Oh Amy, what gorgeous blog candy and what an achievement in cutting up 1000 sheets of paper. I dread to think how many I have cut up in 4.5 years!!!
Here is the link on my blog to your candy
Best wishes
Kym xxx
What a great give away . congratulations for the blogaversary .
post about the candy at my blog
WOW!! What a super cool give away!!
Posted this on my blog
Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Wow, amazing blog candy! You are quite generous. Thanks for the chance to win!
its the most amazing thing i,ve ever heard. thanks a ton. i,ve spread the word on my blog, so pls view it here.
Amy! Congratulations!Amazing candy!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow, what fab candy, thanks for the chance to win. I've put a post on my blog
Here's to the next 1000
Claire xx
Wow what a concept. Its amazing that you thougth about that idea before you started. I just cut into paper so randomly I don't know how many I've used. Congrats and beautiful work. You are such an inspiration!
wow, look at all those papers, me love! Thanks for the fun candy Amy!
Wauw! This candy is so awesome. Thanks for the chance to win this amazing candy
hugs Linda Dekker
Did u say a thousand ? !!
Really...too generous of you to give out such a big blog candy !
I have spread the word on my is a link
WOW!!! What a FAB candy, you're so generous!!! Thanks for the chance!! =)
Hugs, SannaS
I have posted it at my sidebar, thanks for the chance on such an awesome candy!
EEK! Amy! I just love when everything ties in together, this is so melodic having blog candy with your blog title. LOVE IT!! Posting it on my sidebar and on my bloggy this weekend. Thanks for the awesome ideas - keep 'em coming as I am a HUGE fan!
Thats awesome...a thousand sheets! And all your blog candy is so generous!! congrats on the one year anni too :)
The phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" comes to mind... or a thousand sheets in this case. What a great idea for a give away, TFS! It's been added to my blog.
Wow!! That is a lot of paper!! Awesome blog candy as well!! Here's to your trek to
Amazing! I am a complete paper lover and the simple idea of 1000 sheets of different papers makes me dizzy... I have put a link to your candy in my sidebar, visible from any page of my blog.
WOW, wonderfull candy!! thank you for the chance :) :) Heininen
WHOA! Congratulations on hitting the 1000th mark! What a generous give-away, Thank you for the chance!
Какая сладкая конфетка!!!! Очень надеюсь на удачу!!!
ссылка на правой панельке блога
such lovely candy I really want to win !! thanks ! congratulations !
That's great candy. Thanks for the chance to win amazing candy!!!Posted about in my blog.
Thanks Scrapfanaat Peter
WOW! thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize!!
Congratulations Amy!
Thank you for the chance to win some of your amazing candy.
I've added a link on my sidebar.
wow. what a great giveaway. thanks :D
Congrats Amy on your blogaversary! Thanks for being an inspiration and sharing your artwork with us :)
Congratulations!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your adorable stamps!
This is by far one of my favorite blogs to visit daily. I start my day by reading it!! Congratulations on reaching both your milestones!! What a generous blog candy to win too!! Thanks!!
WOW, what a feat this is! Congrats on getting through that much paper. If you give me 200 sheets, I'll give you a thousand back ;) Sound like a deal?
Hey Amy!!
That a wonderful blog you have here. I did come hopping to your blog for the candy but got addicted to all your previous posts and loved all you created. Now thinking that i have a chance to win some delicious patterned paper that adorns your cards too makes me want want it even more!!
So here i am... fingers crossed!!!!
Hugs and happy blogovarsary!!!!
Karuna, India
Beautifully Amy, I try my luck, thanks.
I have it linked on my blog.
Hugs Karla
Woweee---you're so generous!
Hi Amy...I am cracking that you went through a 1000 pieces of paper but that you kept track of all that! Wow!!! Now that is what I find impressive!
I've thought about starting a blog over the past few might just inspire me!
Congrats on your blogiversary!!!
wow! wow!! wow!!!! WOW!!!! I've posted abour ur candy on my blog sidebar. thanks for the chance -- this is amazing!!!!
happy blogaversary!!! :)
Thank you so much for this change! fantastic candy! And congrats!
Congrats with you're aniversary. And what a great candy!! I think everyone likes to win this. Thank you for giving me a change.
Greetings Detje
WOW! That is amazing that you went through that much paper. And the candy you're offering is pretty amazing too. I linked you up on my blog too:
Wow Amy - how generous are you. I would love to win 1000 6x6 papers - I love the papers you use in your creations. Or the lovely stamps - Oh my. Thank you so much for a chance to win.
Hugs, Mette
PS: Candy is on my sidebar :))
OMG! I can believe that 1,000 sheets of paper, pretty amazing how fast you did it. But to keep track of it?? This candy is pretty amazing, too! Would def. love to have 200 sheets of paper. And what nifty stamps!
Thanks for the chance,
Wow! You've been a very busy lady! And you are being very generous with us! Thank you for sharing.
WOW!! you been a busy bee! Thanks for the chance to win some of your amazing candy, I've added a link on my sidebar :)
I didn't think it was possible, but I believe you are more addicted to paper than I am. What an accomplishment! And you even took time to account for how many pieces you used. I don't have a blog, but I sure will tell friends about your site. I would be thrilled to win your paper/stamp "candy!"
Oh my......that's a lot of paper....and awesome.....thank you for the chance....I've posted it on my sidebar......thanks....
Wow - now that is a massive candy! And gives me an excellent idea for making room in my own paper stash!
I've given you a shout out at my blog here , twitter and on facebook!
Oh my word, Amy, what a fab giveaway you're hosting!
I have posted it on my sidebar at Create With Joy and so glad I'm already a follower and saw this!
P.S. Tonite is the last nite to enter my Vintage Christmas Giveaway - hope you'll stop by and join the fun!
wowza !!! How awesome is this candy. And wow! 1,000 pieces of paper! Argh that's heaven :)
thanks for the chance to enter, I've blogged about it and am already a follower :)
oooww Thats a lot papers !!! I like to join and have a chance !
I am a follower and I have post it on my blog
How wonderfully generous!!I posted at
AWESOME AMY!!! Congrats on your blogoversary and that incredible feat of 1000 sheets!! Think of how much extra space you'll have to fill it right back up with new sheets!! I've added you candy on my blog, and am now trying to figure out where I'd put 200 sheets should I be a winner!! Thanks ♥
What an awesome candy!! Love the look of all that paper!
WoW Amy!! This is amazingly generous of you!! How exciting, so much pretty paper and those stamps are looking amazing :) Congrats on your milestone!! Oh I have added your candy to my sidebar. Thanks for the opportunity!!
WOW!! What a haul! Thanks for the chance to win, and I'll add you to my sidebar!
I wondered what the athousandsheetsofpaper was about, now I know!!! I just cannot imagine keeping my space organised enough to count the thousand pieces of paper over a year!! Amazing effort and amazing candy!
Hi Amy,
I am soooo addicted to papers that I would luv to have a stack like that!! Please feel free to have a look at my blog, although I have not been doing this for long, I enjoy it and love to join in on blog candy! Thanks for the chance.
OMG what a fun blog candy....just think of all the fun things one could do with all that paper....WOW
You Rock for giving us the chance to win.....!!!!!!
Put a sidebar candy post on my blog
Firstly congrats on your blogaversary Amy and for allowing us into your AMAZING world of creativity. Secondly, OMGoodness, that is some candy giveaway! Thank you for the chance to be in it and good luck to everyone!
Hugs, Kylie xo
holy cow Amy! this is amazing candy you are giving away! so generous and just fabulous! I am so blown away by your kindness! congrats on your blogaversary...can't believe you only made a year. I am so blessed to be able to be inspired by your creations. love that paper and those images! totally wonderful! have a wonderful weekend...I will definitely spread the word!
Holy smokes girly!! 100 sheets?! Well, I believe it with all the cool creations you've made since you stared this blog.
{much} <3 Jenn
Wow this is amazing candy. Thank you for giving us non blog owners a chance to win.
Hugs & Blessings Bernie
Thank you so very much for offering such beautiful candy. I posted it on my blog. Hugs.
Awesome Amy!!! I just love your creations and use of Copics! Congrats and what Fab Mega Candy!!!
Congratulations Amy - you are so generous. thanks for the opportunity to win! I just love checking out your amazing creations!!!
What a generous giveaway! You can never have too much paper. Thanks for the opportunity!
OMG, wow, look at all these yummy candy. Hope I'm lucky enough to win one.
Thanks Amy :) Will post on my blog.
This is one of the best blog candies I have ever seen! I have cut all of my paper into 6x6 sheets also and love it! I am like a kid in a candy store going thru it. Congrats on a great blog!
Wow! What a milestone, congrats. Thanks for the great opportunity at all that candy! You have one great blog as well. Thanks!
Wow! Congratulations! Great candy! Here's my post:
Amazing giveaway! I would love to win this! I have added a photo of your giveaway on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win some amazing goodies!
wow so much stuff...thanks for the chance...and congrats! my post is up and ready...
Wow I can't believe you kept track that long! Congrats!!
Congrats on your milestones! Thanks for a chance at the sweet candy. I've posted on my blog:
I understand how easy is to become a paper addict!!! Congrats on your first year!! Take Care and Please visit me @
Congratulations!!! I'm one of your followers and i love your site. I use you as a reference for Copics.. :)
Hi Amy, I don't have a blog, it's on the list!!!!!!
Anyway, congrats on such an achievement, you are such an inspiration to so many people!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!!!
Awesome candy Amy!!! I'm SO crossing my fingers for this *lol* thank you so much for the chance to win! :)
You are soooo awesome! I just blogged this! thanks for the chance to win and for sharing your fabulous creations with us! :)
Delicious candy! Thanks for the chance to win the paper and stamps! 1000 sheets - it's just inconceivable!
First of all congratulations and second this has to be the most amazing blog candy!. Im posting on my blog and both fingers crossed.:) Thanks for the awesome opportunity.
Congrats Amy!
Woooow, what a georgeous candy! Thanks for the chance to win this papers and lovely stamps!
Hugs, Tanja
Olia from Russia
ohhh wooow how awesome!!!
thanks for this wonderful chance to win this fabulous give-away :)
xx Martina
PS: u r linked in my sidebar :)
I found this through Katie's blog and become a follower. Wow what fantastic candy. I've linked your candy on my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win.
Kathleen x
Wow! Congrats on reaching such a milestone!! Thanks for a chance to win the amazing blog candy!
congrats amy!!! happy blog annivesary! wowee, you are always sooo generous with your giveaways! i am always in awe of your creations. thanks for the chance. i am posting it on my bloggie :)! have a wonderful weekend! *hugs* steph :)
Oh, aren't you one generous lady! Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on your blogoversary and reaching the 1000 paper milestone! :)
OMG!!!!! This is soooo awesome!!!
Love your work. Congrats Amy!!!! I will post this on my facebook page!!!
Heidi Brawley
Wow!!! Amazing Candy. Thanks for the chance.
hugs Tessa
Wow, this is an amazing competition!
Wow Amy, you are a little crazy! lol Not really, what a great idea. I've always loved the name of your blog. How generous of you. Congratulations on your anniversary and actually reaching a Thousand Sheets of Paper.
Oh my goodness! Congrats on your blogaversary and using 1000 sheets of paper! Awesome candy- thanks for the chance to win.
Wow, you're to geberous!
Thank you for the chance to win some great papers and stamsp!
WOW! Major congrats on your major accomplishment! Thanks for being so generous to so many commenters! Here's my entry:
You are generous. I hope to win and I going to post this on my blog, ectra big, write.
friendly greets, Brigadier
Can't beleave my eyes! What a candy! Thank's for chance to win!
Posted in my blog -
1000 sheets of paper that is truely amazing. I doubt I could use that much in that time. This is such an amazing candy and very generous
Thanks for the chance!!!
September 4th is my birthday!
a pleasant syurpiz
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