Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How cool is this?

Please scroll down if you are looking for today's Club Anya sneak peek post...
because I've just got to pop in and let all my blog readers know about a fun blog I was asked to participate in recently.
At the Society of Stamp and Scrap-aholics Deborah features a different 'Wednesday Wonder' most weeks and I was flattered when she wanted to feature me. Apparently I have Donna and Kelly to thank for this opportunity and I send big 'thank you' hugs out to both of you because this was a lot of fun! Though I swear Deborah makes me sound MUCH more interesting than I believe myself to be... she's very good at the art of the write-up. :)
Thanks so much for having me be a part of your Wednesday Wonders Deborah, I am proud and honored to be amongst such a talented group of ladies!

Oh and if you have been waiting for info on those fairy stamps I've been teasing and hinting about... you may want to go give this a read... ;)


kadie said... 1

YAY!!! Amy, I'm SO SO excited for YOU!! Omygoodness!

Unknown said... 2

SO EXCITED for you Amy! Woohoo! Oh, can't wait to see your new fairy stamps!

Kim said... 3

Congrats Amy on that wonderful article and I am so excited and can hardly wait for your new stamp line!!!!! Woooooo hooooo!

Mary Giles said... 4

Woohoo! That is amazing Amy! Your own stamp line too! I'll be first in-line. Your talent is just sooo amazingly drool worth!

Kelly Booth said... 5

Congrats Amy....So Glad Deborah featured YOU!!!!
You are so VERY talented....
Big hugs to You!!

♥Rach♥ said... 6

CONGRATS!!! You so deserve it, can't wait to see more of your stuff.

Unknown said... 7

Congrats Amy!!! I just can't wait to see your new fairy stamps! So glad for you :)

Claireabelle said... 8

cant wait cant wait cant wait!!!

Sandra MacLean said... 9

Ooo! Congratulations Amy!!! I knew you were going places when I saw your first cards! :D I can't wait to see your new line!

Tracey Feeger said... 10

oh Amy I am so excited. Can't wait to purchase your stamps. I am jumping for joy. woo hoo. congrats on getting it all set up.

donna mikasa said... 11

Yay, Amazing Amy! So glad Deborah featured you.
Now the whole world will discover your talent and your fairies, too!
Big, big inky hugs!

**CrEaTiNgWiThAlOhA** said... 12 are so inspiring....

SemSee said... 13

OMG! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! (...can you tell I'm excited, LOL!). Seriously, that's fantastic news! I can't wait to see the new stamps - can your faithful followers get a little sneaky peek before the launch in November ... pretty please? xx

Alice said... 14

YAY!!!! way to go Amy!! LOVE reading your Wonder! SO so so so happy for you that your stamp line is coming out!!!! I'll definitely be there to snatch them! BIg big congrats on that!!!!

Allison said... 15

Ooohhhh! Cant wait for november... I will have to be checking daily in hopes of a sneak peek! Congratulations on this exciting new endevor.
did i mention sneak peeks!?

WickedPixie said... 16

Amy, that was a great article! Congratulations and thanks for sharing it with us!! (And I am Super, super excited aobut the new stamps!!) :-)Traci

kris said... 17

Congrats Amy!!! very well deserved! hugs, Kris

Snail Mail Creations said... 18

I'm trying not to jump out of my seat.... but WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!! Amy this is AMAZING!!!!! I dont know if I can wait until November 2nd!!! This is just DYNO-MITE!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I *KNEW* you'd get your own stamp line!! You are just too fabulous not to! Congrats girlie!! You always have been and will always remain my inspiration! :)

Angie said... 19

SO COOL! Hoppin over there now!

Unknown said... 20

LOL - I agree with everything they all said! I'm looking very forward to seeing your line of stamps; I've no doubt they will be EXCEPTIONAL.


Crafty Jenn said... 21

Can I just say....YIPPEEEEEE!!! That Wednesday Wonder article was AWESOME! Such a great showcase for you and to show their blog world a peek into your amazing work.

Can't wait for November 2nd! Oh so "Sweet November"!