Monday, March 7, 2011

The stars have spoken... we've got winners!

Hello, hello!

It's finally here... release day for all of the new March stamps over at All That Scraps! That means we've also got twelve lucky star winners to announce... SO exciting! :)

Ok, no sense in keeping you all in suspense, here are the winners... drumroll please... dadadadadaadadadadadadadada....

Aries- Helene
Taurus - BishopsMommie
Gemini - Bobbi
Cancer - Regan
Leo - Mette
Virgo - kris
Libra- Moni
Scorpio - Lau W
Sagittarius - Zarah
Capricorn - ChickieChirps
Aquarius -Tress
Pisces -Mimi

Congratulations ladies! Please email me at with your mailing addys and I will get your candies sent off asap!
And thanks once again to everyone that played along this past week! All twelve Zodiac Girl stamps are now available in the All That Scraps store and Christine is also doing a package deal where the entire set will be available for a special 15% off price! :)


RiNNE said... 1

Congrats to the winners!!!! Lucky bunch!

ChickieChirps said... 2

Woohoo! Thanks so much Amy!


Mette said... 3

Oh my - I went and won - even my own starsign :). Thank you so much Amy for this opportunity :).

Hugs, Mette

Lau W said... 4

OMG ! I won, i won my sign ! Scorpio ! Thank you very much, you don't know how i'm happy ! :-))))))
And congrats winners !
I send you an e-mail now ! youpeee !

Lau W said... 5

oh, can you tell me if my e-mail is arrived, because i have problem with hotmail adresses :-(
Thank you Amy

Larisa said... 6

Congrats to the winners!

Tammi said... 7

congrats ladies! i'm totally jealous, enjoy the goodies!

Moni said... 8

WAw I am one of the winner. I just emailed you. Hugs,moni

~* steph :) *~ said... 9

congrats to the winners :)! have a lovely day, amy! *hugs* steph :)

Tina Mayo said... 10

whooo hooooooooooooo yay!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!! Thanks so much!! This is gonna make my week! yay!!

Alison said... 11

Congrats to all! And a HUGE thank you to you Amy, once again! :)

Tress said... 12

Thank you!!! Cannot wait to play with my new goodies! And the colors are not those I typically purchase so this will be a great addition to my stash!

Mimi said... 13

YAYYYYY! I won!! and it's my own sign too!! Thanks Amy for another gorgeous release! Have a great week! ;D

Hlora said... 14

Congratulations for lucky winnerS) I guess I have never a chance to win anything nice even...

kris said... 15

OMG!! wow!!! that was totally unexpected!! and i am FABULOUSLY grateful!! Thank you so much Amy!! Hugs!

donna mikasa said... 16

Congrats to all the winners! Have fun with your zodiac girls!

Regan said... 17

I literally squealed with delight when I checked the blog and saw that I had won the Cancer image! Thank you SO much, Amy! It is appreciated more than you know! :)

Zarah said... 18

I'm horrible for not getting back to you! I have been AFK for a bunch of reasons, but that's no excuse. I'm really sorry!!

I emailed you just to let you know I've seen this, even if I am aware that I am too late.
