Monday, May 28, 2012

Two steps forward...

one step back. 

Hey guys, sorry about being MIA the last few days. It has been weird not posting regularly but it just can't be helped right now. My life is currently split into two separate factions, when I'm not at work and home my days are spent at the hospital with my mom.  And even when I'm not physically with her she is constantly on my mind.
Mom is still in the ICU and on the ventilator. She underwent dialysis for her kidneys yesterday and we are hopeful that will help her on the long road to recovery. Mom is just so sick that it is going to be a slow process. So your continued prayers and positive thoughts would be most appreciated. :)

I have actually packed up my Copics and done some coloring during the down times so all I need to do now is get those images onto cards. I'm still not sure how consistently I'll have something to post though since most of what I've been coloring is for the upcoming previews starting next week. In the meantime I'll try my best to have something to share even if they are non-coloring cards, like this one from a past class.

Anywho, thanks for hanging in there with me. I ♥ you more than I can say.     


kim.scrapper said... 1

This card is super cute and how appropriate with all that has gone on with your Mom. I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. It is always difficult when you have a loved one in the hospital for any extended period of time. I hope things get better soon for you guys, hugz

Mette said... 2

See what happens when you are a regular blogger - we worry like mad when you don't post. So glad your mum is getting better bit by bit and it's understandable that you worry and want to be with her. You look after yourself, your mum and your family and we'll be here when things have improved.

Big hugs and prayers, Mette

Cindy H. said... 3

Amy, you and your mom continue to be in my thoughts. Take care or yourself and your mom, we'll be here when you get back. Hugs

Maria Therese said... 4

Beautiful card sweetie ♥♥

Craftdee said... 5

Sweet card, Amy. Sending loving thoughts to you and your family, Donna

Nancy Thomas said... 6

Lovely card Amy. Don't worry about posting - everyone understands the situation. Continued thoughts and prayers for your mom.

Crafty Loops said... 7

This is a beautiful card Amy. Keeping my fingers crossed for your Mammy and Im thinking of you and your family too. Lee x

Stephanie said... 8

Your card is so pretty! I really like it:) I will continue to pray for your mom. I hope she gets well soon.

Billie A said... 9

Darling card I like the idea of what you did.

My thoughts and prayers for your mother and your family through this tough time. Blessings to you all. Hugs

Heidi Brawley said... 10

Oh Amy you have been on my mind every day. I have been wondering how your mom has been doing. You both are in my prayers!!! Your card is darling!!! love those jars! I hope you received the Happy Mail I sent you! Take care and God Bless!
hugs, Heidi & Brooke

gobeagirl said... 11

Amy this is an adorable card. I love the yellows on it. Talk about a very happy feeling card. As you know love and prayers to you all. Hugs, Lisa

Фея снов said... 12

Very beautiful card!!!
I wish a quick recovery to your mother!

CLaire said... 13

AWWW hope everything gets so much better for you and mum... will keep everything crossed for you both...
love the card... it is so plain it works so well....
CLaire x

Jen Demmon said... 14

As much as we all love your cards your Mom needs you! We miss your posts but TOTALLY understand. You are all in my prayers.

Tiffany Miller said... 15

Super cute card!
Hope your mom gets better real soon! Will be saying lots of prayer for the both of you!!!
Sending lots of love you way!!!

Danni said... 16

Thinking of you and praying that your mom recovers quickly! Hugest hugs!
Very cute card! but you take care of you too!!

Regan said... 17

Amy, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom! I am sending healing thoughts and big hugs! I'm sorry I haven't stopped by in a while! You and your family will be in my thoughts!

Your card is adorable and the sentiment is lovely.

Take care of yourself too!


Nance said... 18

Great Simple card. My prayers are with you and your family for a quick recovery for your Mom!

Take care and thanks for sharing!

Lau W said... 19

I think of your mum Amy, hope she will be better.
Your card is very nice, so lovely sentiment.

Dangina Martinez said... 20

Beautiful card. Hope all is well:)
Tons of Hugs, Dangina

Laura said... 21

Hi Amy, so sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she recovers quickly for you and it's not too long a process. What a beautiful card too, don't worry about posting on blogger you're there for your Mom and that's all that matters. My thoughts are with you.
Laura xx

Mimi said... 22

Adorable card Amy! My thoughts are with you and your mom. Hope she's feeling better soon! ;D

Leanne said... 23

Wonderful card Amy!
Keep up the good spirits, that's definitely what she needs and I'm still sending her warm healing wishes too.
Take care!

RiNNE said... 24

I'm sure that a lot of us will say the same to you, Amy. I am very thankful for a bloggy friend like you. I hope you know that you can come to me for anything. Of course, even if I don't get to visit your blog every day or even every week, your blog / cards/ creations will always be one that I will go back to and read each line/ and view each detail. I'm sorry that your mom's recovery is slow and long. I am glad though that she is getting better each day. And that you're getting to color - and even though you are worried about your mom, this little bit of time for yourself will keep you healthy and sane and strong for her. Love you too. Hugs!

PS. Your mason jars are wonderful. They are colored so amazingly.