Sunday, July 4, 2010

Taking a day off...

to have fun with this little guy and the rest of my family and friends.
Happy 4th of July to those celebrating!
Here's to bar-b-ques, sparklers and good times. :)

Oh... there is still time to get your name in for the mermaid candies posted below and don't forget to check out the ATS blog today for a chance to win the whole new release!


Marley said... 1

Have fun Amy!! Your little guy looks awesome! Such a sweetie x Marley

Leanne said... 2

Aww he's soo cute!! Happy 4th Amy! Enjoy it with your family and friends. I'm gonna enjoy mine this morning by going to Anime Expo, then a BBQ at my friends.

Kimberly S said... 3

Happy 4th of July Amy, have a wonderful day! Oh, he is just so cute!!! :)

Rosa Forino said... 4

buon 4 luglio anche a te....
anch'io ho uno yorkshire, bello come questo ;-)

gobeagirl said... 5

Hi Amy. Happy 4th of July! He looks so cute and ready to enjoy that bar-b-que.... Hugs, Lisa

donna mikasa said... 6

Oh, he's so gosh darn cute!! Happy 4th to you!

Mimi said... 7

he's sooo cute! happy 4th! ;)

Unknown said... 8

He is super cute! Happy 4th of July! Have a great time. Hugs :)

~* steph :) *~ said... 9

happy 4th of july, amy! your doggie is adorable! love his shirt :)! my doggie has a couple shirts and jackets, hee hee.
have a great day!
*hugs* steph

RiNNE said... 10

What a sweet pic! Your pup is so cute! Happy Independence Day, Amy! Enjoy your day!!

Shirley N said... 11

He's such a cutie! Enjoy your holiday Amy, Happy 4th!!!

Claireabelle said... 12

Enjoy your partying Amy

Mel said... 13

Happy 4th petal!!
What a cutie your wee puppy is! Hope you all had a fab day and the weather stayed lovely for you!!
It poured here in Scotland boo hoo
Hugs Melly xxx

Wilfreda said... 14

What a cute little guy! Happy 4th to you too.