Monday, July 5, 2010

Wet and Wild Winners!

Hello, hello it's time to announce the winners of our Sweet November mermaids! Mr. has been consulted and here are the lucky ladies:

Shimmer Redkelp and Otto goes to...... itsabert

Ocean Wavedancer and Echo goes to......gobeagirl

Bubbles Lostlagoon and Palu goes to......montygonza

Current Ebbtide and Anela goes to......Maylee

Congratulations ladies! Please email me at with your mailing addies and I'll get your candies sent off to you!

Thank you to everyone for taking an interest and playing along, the new mermaids go up for sale tonight at 10:00 pm eastern at All That Scraps. Yeah! :)


Sonya said... 1

Congratulations to everyone who won. Thank you so much for the chance. I was fun to hope for a while anyway! Definately will be visiting ATS at 10:00 this evening to place my order!!!

gobeagirl said... 2

OMG !!!!!! I love Ocean Wavedancer and Echo ! I can not believe I won them! Thank you , thank you, THANK YOU ! I am do excited, I get your wonderful stamps and you beautiful card to go with it. I couldn't think of a better way to start my week. Hugs, Lisa

Kimberly S said... 3

Congrats to the winners!! :)

Maylee said... 4

EEEK!! I can't believe I won, thank you Amy!


~* steph :) *~ said... 5

congrats to the winners of your awesome giveaways, amy!

Larisa said... 6

Congratulations to everyone who won. That was great and amasing to be in a waiting for this post... I wish I was one of the winners... But I am always unlucky here.. ((((
Hugs. Larisa.

donna mikasa said... 7

Congrats to all the winners--lucky, lucky ducks!

Jenny V. said... 8

Congrats to the winners! Thanks again Amy for sharing with us your beautiful stamps.

Amanda said... 9

Wow Weee! I can't believe I won Bubbles. Thank you so much I am so excited and looking forwards to more mermaid friends.


Beth aka BR-T said... 10

Oh my gosh I am ecstatic! Beth