Saturday, December 11, 2021

Stocking Stuffers...


Hello again!

We have a cute Christmas digital release at Sweet November Stamps this weekend that is perfect for any of the dog or cat lovers on your mailing list. The collection is called Stocking Stuffers and it includes two puppies and two kitties hanging up in Christmas stockings, just waiting for their boy or girl to come love on them. Snuggles is the sweet long eared pup and Peewee is the little one who couldn't stay awake. All four of my cards follow a simple mini slimline design so I could print these cuties fairly big and really have fun playing with patterns on their stockings. Plus I like how they now look like a coordinating set.

My first card features Snuggles and just look at those puppy dog eyes. This darling little doggy can't wait for Christmas morning and becoming a big part of her new family.


My second card finds little Peewee snoozing away in that cocoon of a stocking. All the excitement of the sleigh ride with Santa has this wee fuzzball all tuckered out.


Next we have the kittens, Fluffy and Felix. Every cat lover knows that it doesn't get much sweeter than a little ball of fur nestled up on you, purring away like a motor boat. 


Fluffy may be full of sweetness but looking into those big eyes I suspect there's some sass in there too. It better not be much longer before the kids wake up otherwise Fluffy may just leap out of that stocking and go adventuring all through the house, climbing the Christmas tree, knocking over the decorations on the mantle, tearing up the wrapped gifts... oh my!


And finally we have Felix. Felix spent most of the night playing with curling ribbon on all the gifts in Santa's bag and now that he has his own cozy stocking to curl up in he is out like a light.

Now be sure to check out the Friends of Sweet November Stamps group on Facebook for even more Stocking Stuffer cuteness from Caitlin and our super talented guest designer joining us once again, Faye Wynn-Jones! I will also be coloring Live today at 11am PST on my Adventures in Coloring with Amy Facebook page so I hope to see you there.  :)

You can also find us on Instagram @sweetnovemberstamps and don't forget to use the #sweetnovemberstamps any time you share a card or project using SN images so we can see all of your beautiful makes!




Nancy Thomas said... 1

Amy, these little furry creatures are all so adorable.